Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Bra Fence

Remember my blogpost last year about Havelock's Shoe Fence?  If you've forgotten, you can find it here...

Well, Nikki came down for a long weekend last week, and while driving back home from Nelson after a day of doing cafe's and art galleries there, we detoured to have a look at Cable Bay on the way home.

Cable bay was very pretty, even though the tide was out.  It's a marine reserve, so the waters are protected and there's a few walks or hikes you can do as well.  Definitely going back there when my ankle is better...

The surrounding countryside was pretty too.  I found a sheep and geese farm...

Most New Zealand farms are sheep and beef, or dairy, or just plain sheep, so this one was different!!!  (You do realise I"m having you on don't you?)

And in front of this was the Bra Fence...

As you can see there are all shapes, sizes, and colours, and there were even a pair of boxers thrown in.  But I'm curious.  Do people see this fence, want to be part of it, and as they drive past, strip their bra off and add it to the collection?

The reason I'm asking is that if you look closely, there are some bras there that are seriously, well,  Large.  Huge over shoulder boulder holders.  If girls just stripped them off there and then, it would be a bit of a worry.  Because, there's a chance if the car went over a pot hole once they left, that they then could knock out the driver.  Dangerous driving indeed.

And then there's the expense...

I know Bra's are a dime a dozen in the USA, and even in England in Marks and Sparks, but here in NZ we pay premium  prices.  NZ boobs are holstered in pricey stuff.  So it makes me wonder why people are racing to add theirs to a fence.  In the middle of nowhere.  I was almost tempted to try some on.  Some were in such good condition, but there were no fitting rooms so I had to refrain.

But hangon - what's that?  These bras are hosting a whole new ecosystem....

Here is the Male Orichalcum Vas Aranea,  more commonly known as the Boobus Holderus Spider (Thanks Henry).   Only a male would make himself comfortable there right?   It is the sole reason I didn't try any on!!

Oh - and rest assured, neither Nikki or I added anything to the fence.  Nikki was driving and I valued my life!


Christopher Lehfeldt said...

Very good blog post!

Morgan said...

Ha ha, very funny post!

Why does that spider only have 7 legs? I never knew we had anything like that in NZ.

You have to take me here so I can add to the collection!

Anonymous said...

@Chris - thanks :)

@Morgan - not sure the spider only has 7 legs. Perhaps with the new ecosystem, evolution has taken over, and if you live in a bra you only need 7 legs, not 8?

I'll definitely take you there to add to the collection, but please don't strip at the fence. I have a reputation to maintain down here :)

Unknown said...

Excellent! would never try those bras next time I pass by the fence.... im pretty much a sissy when it comes to spider

Anonymous said...

Great ... now I know where to get my next 'new' bra ... without Henry in it

Anonymous said...

Yep - this will be cheaper than even the 2nd hand shops :)

kim said...

It makes a pretty fence though, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Kim yes it certainly does. I'm wondering if I should start up a smelly sock fence ;)