Monday, August 31, 2009

The House Plan for my Section

While I've been living at my mother's place, I've been in talks with G J Gardners in Marlborough over my house plan.

Originally I had hoped to have a particular plan called the Dryden as I loved the angles and way the house was laid out. However, it wasn't quite right for the section due to north facing aspect, and we needed the sun to warm up the place during winter. It's colder down south being closer to the South Pole!

Marlborough happens to be the sunniest place in New Zealand which is fantastic, but we needed to catch that sun.

G J Gardner came up with this plan, and I've only had to make a couple of tweaks to it, but overall I'm really happy with it..

Click on the house plan to enlarge it to see everything clearly.

The changes I made were to the lounge. Originally the door was a double door that opened up into the family room. I moved it to the corner to keep the flow, and to give me maxiumum wall space in the lounge. I'm still trying to decide whether to make that corner door a double door, or just a single.

The only other change I've made is to the main bedroom. I moved the outside wall a bit further out and made a sliding door from my room out to the the 'going to be' patio. I also added a walk in wardrobe next to the ensuite.

So that's it in a nutshell. Feel free to tell me what you think of the plan - it's 180sqm which was part of the covenant of the subdivision.


sara said...

How exciting! All the housesitting works out well and keeps things interesting.

Literally IN the vinyards. I wonder if that's what I'll need to find to convince Don to move somewhere and build a house some day.

Sam said...

how lovely to be able to tweak the plan to your own needs!! I really do think that the designs in New Zealand and Australia have a lot to be said for - I love the open plan kitchen/meals/family areas.

Rachel said...

Oh man! When your house is done, I need to head down and visit you!

Linda said...

Looks great Robyn, bet you can't wait until it's finished and you've moved in.